Infooilangas is a reliable, prominent provider of fuel retail services in the oil and gas industry. We specialize in delivering high-quality viscous fuel products that undergo rigorous inspection, testing, and certification to ensure their readiness for supply. We understand the importance of providing our clients with reliable and efficient fuel solutions. That’s why we go above and beyond to ensure that our products meet the highest standards of quality and safety in the oil and gas global market.

Through meticulous inspection procedures, we carefully assess the viscosity of our fuels to ensure optimal performance in various applications. Our testing protocols involve comprehensive analysis and dip tests to guarantee that our products meet industry specifications or exceed them. To further reinforce our commitment to quality assurance, all of our fuels undergo rigorous certification processes. This ensures that they comply with relevant regulatory standards and are safe for use across various industrial sectors.

DO YOU HAVE AN INQUIRY? request verification certification

The interested candidate must have enrolled and registered to receive a Reg. Number (REG №). In Further details is provided on Registration section of the platform.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Applicable to candidates seeking valid verification.
We receive multiple tickets on daily basis. Our feedbacks, responses rely on the prompt services selected.

“We are aware of the recent rise in cyberattacks, impersonation, scams, and unethical business practices in the oil and gas industry. We have been actively working on a long-term project since early 2020 to combat and eradicate these incidents. We were only able to uplift this historic project in August 2023. We are pleased to announce that our platform has received the endorsement and oversight of top global regulatory bodies such as Intertek and SGS. This marks a significant milestone in our efforts to protect the integrity and reputation of the oil and gas industry and put an end to the damaging malicious practices that have negatively affected everyone. We remain committed to maintaining a secure and trustworthy environment for all stakeholders involved.”

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